‘Mines & Landslip’ Geohazard Searches
land information
mineral tenements
water management plans
landslide & riverine flood hazard
coastal erosion & inundation hazard
Use our SEARCH FORM button to lodge a request for a property search.
A TPS ‘Mines & Landslip’ search for a property with up to two titles is $66. Over two titles is $132.
Search requests are usually processed within 24 hours. We can invoice you for individual searches or monthly.
TPS offers a comprehensive ‘Mines & Landslip’ search service to the conveyancing profession and others.
‘Mines & Landslip’ searches have been undertaken for over 40 years, since the early 1970’s when the former Tasmanian Department of Mines created the term to describe the provision of conveyancing search information relating to Mineral Tenements and Landslide Hazard. The search has now broadened to include information about a wide range of geohazards.
What we provide
TPS specialises in providing comprehensive, high-quality ‘Mines & Landslip’ search property information that is frequently sought prior to purchase, during the conveyancing process. We provide property information relating to Mineral Tenements, Water Management Plans and Proclaimed Landslip Areas. Additional geohazard information such as advisory landslide areas, flooding and coastal erosion hazard areas is also provided, as well as Municipal Planning Scheme overlay areas relating to geohazards.
At TPS we consider it important that purchasers are fully informed about potential geohazards that might affect a property and require further risk assessment. Sometimes this may eventually result in precautions or restrictions for subsequent property development, and/or the need for specific maintenance requirements. This can potentially result in unforeseen or increased costs.
Bushfire prone and on-site wastewater management
Based on mapping and satellite imagery interpretation.
Potentially contaminated sites
Assessed from specific area mapping, such as for parts of Lutana and Lindisfarne, and desktop interpretation of property information.
Coastal erosion hazard
Acquired from DPAC state-wide mapping and major consultancy reports, such as that for the Clarence municipality.
Flood hazard (riverine and coastal)
Based on DPAC coastal storm surge inundation area mapping for current sea level and predicted levels for 2050 and 2100; published flood map 20-year to 100-year inundation areas; mapped floodplain areas; crest-flood inundation areas for major water storage dams; planning scheme flood prone areas (including Hobart and Launceston with the latter also providing June 2016 flood areas); and specific flood hazard areas obtained from consultancy reports.
Damaged buildings
Obtained from specific MRT recorded locations of landslide movement and reactive soil damaged buildings.
Mineral Tenements
(Mineral Resources Development Act 1995): Mining Leases and Exploration Licences, including applications.
Proclaimed landslip areas
(Mineral Resources Development Act 1995, Part 9A): ‘A’ and ‘B’ landslip areas and any other areas associated with specific Acts.
Water management plans
(Water Management Act 1999): These provide a framework to ensure the sustainable development and management of water resources by controlling the allocation and use of both surface water and groundwater.
Landslide hazard
Assessed from the following sources (which do not always correspond): detailed Mineral Resources Tasmania (MRT) mapping; Dept. of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC) broad scale state-wide hazard banding; planning scheme overlays; and specific area hazard mapping from major consultant reports.
Sundry Geohazards
Reactive (shrink-swell), acid sulphate and dispersive soils, salinity risk, karst management and general drainage.

Each search includes Individual assessment of geology, slope and drainage features based on mapped information for the property.
Experience & Service
26-year history of providing 'Mines & Landslip' searches
Detailed geohazard data
Specialist staff
Supplementary information sheets
Long standing association with UTAS legal studies
Complementary advice for search result enquiries
The TPS search service is unique in that a geologist assesses background information for each property.
An interpretation aided by an exhaustive compilation of geohazard data that TPS has gathered from Government, Council and consultant report sources.
Its not just the property itself that is assessed and reported on but also any important features in adjacent areas.